Request a Date

To request a date, please fill out the booking form below, or email me at with:

1) A brief intro (who you are, what drew you to me, where and when you’d like to meet).

2a) Your references (preferred): the names and emails of two established companions you’ve recently met who would be willing to vouch for your character.

2b) If you are new, and do not yet have references, you may screen via your work information (LinkedIn, or company website), or your phone number and photo ID (from which you may blur out any sensitive information, apart from your name and birth date).

This allows me to feel fully relaxed and at ease during our time together, and I so appreciate you caring for my safety.

The more thoughtful and considered your message (i.e., complete with the information above, and beyond), the more likely I am to respond.

For completed booking forms, you may expect a response within 24-48 hrs.

I’m so looking forward to meeting you, and to our adventures together.

— Allison